The Empathy Alphabet

*available only in Polish

Meet Me Halfway

*available in Polish, English, Spanish, Italian

KONFLIKT, SZACUNEK, ZGODA. Porozumienie bez Przemocy w praktyce biznesowej

*available only in Polish
What matters most is a Man - as a whole, as a being, as a sense. I believe in a holistic development approach. What kind of person you are determines your social, private and business roles. In my opinion, there is no severability of BEING and FULFILLMENT. There is no consistency until you know what you are or what you want to be.
We support a holistic approach to people and the reflection of who they are in other roles in their lives. So that they benefit themselves, but also the environment and organizations in which they operate on daily basis.

Vesna Lorenc
Founder and CEO „Just Be”


Just BE in numbers

10 tys.

and coaching hours 


and diplomas



of satisfied
clients’ recommendations 



languages in which
we operate 


Just BE core areas

we draw from diversity


We help identifying and analyzing the
the problem/situation:

In jointly setting out a real, measurable, effective goal,

In naming and fulfilling needs – on
personal, professional, business levels,
So that work could become authentic, coherent and meaningful

Considering the values

Supporting the change

And taking the advantage of a culturally diverse environmen

We use sufficient forms:

Individual and group coaching

Training and workshops

Long-term development programs

Action learning sessions
Meetings moderation

Group facilitation

Presentations and interactive lectures

Strategic sessions

Conflict mediation (individual and systematic)


"…Istotnym elementem pracy pani Vesny jest zrozumienie kulturowych różnorodności. Coaching realizowany wspólnie z panią Vesną (Just BE), przyniósł zamierzone cele. Sesje prowadzone były w sposób konstruktywny, profesjonalny, kreatywny. Doceniamy terminowość i dobrą organizacje pracy…"
Edyta Stocka – HR Manager, Gemius SA

I have had a series of coaching sessions with Vesna (in English) in 2017. I can tell that the sessions were not only insightful, revealing, and well managed, but they were also entertaining and cheerful. Vesna pays attention to the details without letting the coachee to get lost in them: she helps keep the focus in a given a topic. I liked the most the part when we used visual aid to map out my work relationships so that we start thinking about if and how to change my approach to work related matters. I can strongly recommend Vesna as a coach. Attila - Business Development Director

„Bardzo ceniliśmy sobie dokładność, profesjonalizm i zaangażowanie Pani Vesny…Z pełnym przekonaniem możemy polecić firmę Just Be jako solidnego i uczciwego partnera w biznesie.” – Timea Balajcza, wice prezes zarządu
"Good teachers are not telling you what to see but just pointingright direction. Vesna is definitely one of those. Strongrecommendation from me! Great fun, openness anddevelopment!” Mateusz Gordon, Director, Digital Transformation, CEE
„W pracy z grupą widać zaangażowanie, chęć nawiązania kontaktu z wszystkimi uczestnikami, opanowanie, świadomość zachodzących wewnątrz procesów. Cechuje się też dużą kreatywnością i umiejętnością nieschematycznego myślenia.” – uczestnik warsztatu Kompetencje Lidera
„Świetny trener z bardzo konkretnym, praktycznym, bezpośrednim podejściem do rozwoju osobistego. Charyzma, siła, moc i spontaniczność. Polecam Vesnę Lorenc (Just BE) jako godnego zaufania przewodnika, inspiratora i nauczyciela.” – Alicja Roszkowska, Prezes Fundacj

Contact us

Rymkiewicza 8F
01-644 Warszawa

+48 605 366 906